Monday, April 20, 2009

r.i.p. billy

Down at the end of our street there lived a goat.

A three legged goat.

His name was Billy Tripod.

He loved lounging out in front of his house, showing off his festive costumes (clown wig, santa hat, bow tie...), and pretty much making our day every time we drove by.
And every time I saw him out there I cursed myself for not taking my camera with me. But I always thought, "There will be other days. I can take a picture of him tomorrow."

Unfortunately he wandered a little too close to the street a few months ago. And let me tell ya, Salina just isn't the same without him. Quinn used to love walking down to the end of the road to say hi to the goat. Now, in Billy's place, there's just a mound of dirt and a cheery but sad reminder of why you shouldn't text and drive (at least, that's what I heard).

So while we miss our friend Billy Tripod, we thank him for all the smiles he brought to our family.

Heaven just got a really rad goat.


Kristin, Scott, Emily and Eric said...

Awwwwww that's the saddest thing I've ever heard. I'm sure heaven is having fun with Billy. I bet he and Marley are friends. (Have you seen that movie? We watched it last night.)

BRITTANY said...

What an beautiful tribute yo what sounds like a really awesome goat! :)

Jill said...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

aswigfromthesiggs said...

I like this photo. Quinn looks like he got robbed of a rad goat.