Friday, November 2, 2012

smarty pants

Quinn and Max are both loving school/preschool this year.  As a parent it's been awesome to see them get so excited about the things they are learning (apparently I had really low expectations....).  I keep finding pieces of paper lying around the house that have 1-20 written on them. One of the papers had a huge 100 on it with fireworks bursting out of it.  Quinn is super excited about the idea of knowing how to count to 100 (not there yet, but getting there).  I went to his class yesterday to parent help and I was amazed to see Quinn be so on task and studious.  It was like I was in the twilight zone.  That's not the kid I know.  But I'm not complaining!  I was so prepared for him to have all this homework that was going to be such a hassle and would take time away from him playing, but it turns out he LOVES doing his homework.  WEIRD.

Anyways, I really just wanted to share these cute pictures from yesterday.  I could hear max on the other side of the living room quietly repeating, "M-A-X, M-A-X..." for the longest time.  I didn't know what he was up to till he brought me this awesome piece of paper:

While he was doing that Quinn was busy writing a letter (he can't spell/read yet, so he was telling me what he wanted to say and I was giving it to him letter by letter).  He randomly brought me a piece of paper and said, "Mama, I'm going to write a letter to Marc Brown."  I said, "Who's Marc Brown?" And he said, "He's the illustrator!  I want to ask him how he puts the names in all the books!"  I guess Marc Brown hides his kids' names in all of his books and Quinn has been trying to find them in the Arthur library books that we have.  So he wrote him a letter that included a picture of our town (aka: Utah) and Marc Brown's town, which, based on the picture I assume is New York, and a picture of a book with Quinn's name on the cover.  Then we stuck it in an envelope and put the address that's listed on the guy's website and Quinn stuck in the mailbox.  When he came back in the house he whispered to me, "I really hope he writes me back!"  And let me just say right now - Marc Brown, you better write him back.

And since this cannot be left unshared, here's Quinn's Kindergarten picture:

We can't stop laughing about it.  What the heck is that??  I mean sure, it's cute.  He's cute.  But he's way cuter than that.  My best guess is that they showed him a picture of Stephen Hawking and said, "See if you can smile like that guy!"  And thus, this face.  The best part, as Zach pointed out to me - We paid for this picture.  I don't know how Quinn, the skinniest kid on the planet, managed to give himself a double chin.


jen said...

I love your kids. Even though I've never met them and I haven't seen you in like 10 years. Seriously though, you always have the cutest stories about them. I love Max writing his name over and over, Quinn writing a fan letter to an author (he better write back!!). And that school picture? It's just going to be so great when he's a teenager and easily embarrassed.

Janalee said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm SOO glad you put the picture on here! When I first saw it, I thought...Who is that? HAHA. He is a genius. I hope Mr. Brown writes back! They are getting to be so big and so smart! Love you guys!

Shannon said...

Man if you think that is a double chin I hate to think what you say behind my back...

Unknown said...

Okay...attempt #2 to comment: Cora is just like Quinn; she is always doing "homework" event though her teacher never actually assigns any. She comes home and does work sheet after work sheet and writes all her numbers and her brother's names. I love it. It also keeps her quite busy which is nice. Also, the picture is awesome. I never buy the kids school pics, but always like seeing the proof, and remembering why I never buy them! I just have all their individuals taken when we do family pictures each year.

robin said...

ahh... kids learning to write is the cutest! and i love that he wrote a letter to marc brown. i've seen him on pbs, he seems like the type to write back.

and that school picture is classic.