Tuesday, August 14, 2012


While we were at the beach there was lots of whispering and secret practicing going on behind closed doors for something we were doing for my dad for his upcoming birthday.  We had grand plans of having all of the grand-kids involved in this as well, but that just wasn't in the stars (there's 19 of them!).  Instead we performed this for him on the last night at the beach at about 11pm.  I added the pictures to it on Friday (thanks to my mom and sister for helping supply the pictures!) and they showed it to him at his birthday party with the family in Charlotte on Sunday.

I love our family.

When I'm 64 from katie cowan on Vimeo.

I wish I could watch it with each of you and explain the pictures and tell you my favorite parts and why.
Undeniable, 100% favorite part is at 1:06 when you can hear my brother Christian singing (sounds like Neil Young).
Runner up - 2:10 when it shows all the grand-kids and we change the words from "Vera, Chuck, and Dave" to "Cora, Jack, and Mae".


OUR HOUSE said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE times a bazillion. That Randy guy - I sure like him! I can totally hear Juli singing, and I was smiling the whole time:)

Unknown said...

Awww, and THIS is why I love the siggs. I have to say MY favorite part was seeing Ben at the end rocking while playing a ukelele haha!- like you should transplant him to a beach view porch in hawaii. Miss you guys dearly. happy birthday papa sigg!

Unknown said...

You Siggs are awesome. I saw your mom Sunday and she told me I needed to watch it. SOOO cute. Your dad gave a great talk in our ward with my Baptist Aunt there visiting. He even quoted a Baptist hymn. Of course he didn't know she was there. I saw him get up and breathed a huge sigh of relief knowing he was going to be the last speaker. Love your parents!