Sunday, February 19, 2012

19. something you hate to do

No pictures for today.  But I'll jot down a couple of things that I've kind of hated to do today.

1. Try to keep my cool as Zach napped and I attempted to keep the boys happy from 4:00-Bedtime. Our friend is here visiting and her playing with the boys while I cooked dinner is the only reason I didn't cry tonight.

2. Hear Zach throw-up, which led to a number of thoughts: 1) Ok good, he really did need to nap. 2) Dangit, he's sick.  3) Are we all going to get it? 4) Is it bad that I hope he has food poisoning? 5) Our anniversary is tomorrow.  He's going to, once again, be sick on our anniversary (this is the 4th time in 9 years of marriage that he's been significantly ill on our anniversary.  What the heck?). (He's feeling much better since the puking, so hopefully he just needed to get something out and I'm not going to wake up to the sound of Quinn or Max throwing-up)

3. Here it is, 11:00pm and I still need to work out in order to get my points for the day for my team diet that I'm doing.  Helloooooo yoga.

4.  I also still need to drink a liter of water.  Yay.

5.  I've only done a portion of the dishes.  I hate going to bed with a messy kitchen.

K, I'm going to stop now because this is getting depressing.  Maybe tomorrow will be better?

For the sake of ending on a better note:

1. I made a killer spaghetti sauce tonight that was an utter joy to consume.

2. I've given whole grain pasta another chance since trying it and hating it like, 6 years ago.  I have to say, they've improved on the flavor and texture significantly.  I don't think I'll even miss regular pasta.  And the boys ate it without a problem.  Score.

3. We ate quinoa 3 different ways this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed each one.

4.  My hair is getting long enough to braid.  It's ridiculous how happy this makes me.  Ridiculous.

5.  I posted a small bookshelf that we've never really used on our town's yard sale facebook page yesterday and had someone buy it within 2 minutes. That was an easy $20.  I need to look around the house and see what else I can get rid of.

6.  I've been married to someone who has made me laugh every day for the past 9 years. I can't believe how lucky I am.  And it's getting better every year.  Dangit, I love that man.  Even if he is sick every anniversary. ;)


BRITTANY said...

Sorry he's sick. Hopefully it wasn't the spaghetti sauce ;) Can I have the recipe?

jen said...

Bummer about Zach being sick! I also need the recipe for that spaghetti sauce. :)

Jill said...

Was Zach sick on your wedding day? Just wondering. May I also have your spaghetti sauce recipe?