Friday, May 27, 2011

knowing's half the battle

In two and a half hours we're going to find out whether we're adding another boy to the family, or if this is indeed a little Harriet. ;)

I'm really excited.

Mainly because then I can REALLY start sewing. Is that messed up priorities??

Too bad my sewing won't be that awesome since instead of buying a new sewing machine, we have to buy a minivan.

Eh, oh well.

Also, Zach informed me that the carnival is in the town where we have to go for the ultrasound.

Don't you love the shift in things that excite you when you become a parent? Like, where the excitement of Christmas morning kind of tapers off for a little while when you get older, once you have kids it comes back FULL FORCE.

That's how I feel about taking the boys to this carnival. Like Christmas morning. They're going to FLIP. OUT. I haven't told them about it yet and I can hardly keep it a secret.

But they're already crazy excited about going to the hospital and seeing the baby on the ultrasound. In fact just a few minutes ago Max yelled at me, "But Mama!! We haf to go to da hop-i-tal NOW!!"

I guess all I'm saying here is: We're having a great day.

love, Team Cowan

p.s. it's also the last day of school. HELLO SUMMER!


Hailey @ Me and My Boys said...

Can't wait to find out!

jen said...

sooo....what is it???

Char-and-Gibson said...

oh a giant carnival! and I thought "putting" up the "carnival" was awesome!

makimaki75 said...


OUR HOUSE said...

I hope you got a carmeled apple, and I hope you died and went to heaven while eating it. P.S. What's Harriet's boy name?:)