I've decided. My sweet friend Mary needs a camera. Desparately. She has three beautiful little girls and she's documenting their lives with a camera phone. A CAMERA PHONE PEOPLE. This is not ok. Mary and her husband BOTH have two jobs and they simply don't have the money for even the most basic of cameras. We can do this people. If we each pitch in a little (seriously, you got an extra $1?) I think we could get them a decent camera by Christmas. Tell your friends. Send them over here to click "donate" in my sidebar and we can make this happen. And I promise, whatever money comes out of it will go towards a camera for Team Einfeldt. They deserve it. Their girls deserve it. Let's give them some decent memories. Because the world will be a much happier place with more pictures of Elliot, Astoria, and Rousseau. K? Let's begin!
aren't you just lovely:)
I think I love you.
oh goodness, i just realized that i totally copied (without copying) your teamboo defenseless baby picture! i didn't know you had already done a hot air balloon and i'm really embarrassed...
tail between legs.
but, you have short hair and i have short hair so you can't be mad at me for too long, can you?
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