Sunday, February 7, 2010


This right here makes me realize, more than anything else, that I've got to have a girl someday. Seriously. It makes me want to cry a little bit.

1 comment:

maurine said...

Girls are wonderful. End of story. Their sweet little high-pitched voices, their fluffy little hair, cuddles, princess shoes, oh gosh, I love every minute of every day, and I almost cry when I think about the fact that I only have her at home for two more years...don't ask me what I was thinking when Bry was only three...I love them the same I swear. But, beware, they don't always like to dress up, hair bows, or clothes...especially if they have older brothers, and she tends to be rough on her clothes anyways. Though I think Cora would very much like the gold leggings. I am so ready to try the elastic skirt patterns on that blog for summer though! Keep having kids Katie, one of them will have to be a girl!