i heart...
For any of you who didn't hear or see already, my little red folding chair before and after was posted on design*sponge. I sent it in on Wednesday not sure if they would even like it. I was expecting something back like, "Try again when you do something that actually requires a brain." But they loved it! And it even got loads of comments, which I'm, of course, obsessed with. I can't explain how much my heart nearly exploded when someone wrote, "Why didn't I think of that??" I'm always, ALWAYS saying that about someone else's idea. Joy. Silly, silly joy. Now all I can think about is how I can make a buck or two off some fabulous folding chairs....
Hooray me.
Kudos to you, Kat!!
What a great feeling!!
Thanks for sharing!!
I love your giddy happiness! It's contagious!
Hooray you, indeed.
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