Tuesday, March 31, 2009

WHAT in the WORLD???

Let's play a little game, Conan style.

What is this?


BRITTANY said...

Bacon fat on an awesome green silicone spatula! :) Glad you have been stalking me. I may have to still you before and after idea...maybe it will motivate me to be more creative. And we are all for an intense game of Ticket To Ride. And Quinn is so big! Last time I saw him he was just a wee pup!

Jillian said...


Jill said...

could it be cinnamon icing for cinnamon rolls?

team cowan said...

Dang. I thought you would all think it was some kind of yummy frosting with cake crumbs or something. Thanks for that guess Jill. It made me feel a little better. But Brittany was DEAD ON. Bacon fat. I'm way impressed.