Sunday, February 12, 2012

12. in your closet

There are two closets in our whole house. One in the boys' room (that you can actually walk through to get to my sewing room) and this GIANT one in our bedroom (it looks like a hot mess, but it's actually fairly organized):

It's so huge, this boy calls it his bedroom:


Hailey @ Me and My Boys said...

I actually saw where some people were refusing to do this one. lol. Good for you for following through... although, your closet looks really great, so you have nothing to hide. That helps. :)

jen said...

wow, your closet is enormous! i think that's probably as big as our closet in the last house...which we also thought would make a perfect space for a new baby. haha.

Kristine Pratt said...

that is a HUGE closet! PS your kids just keep getting cuter and cuter!